Broke-Little-Rob Blog about simulation games Thu, 02 Nov 2023 15:30:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Broke-Little-Rob 32 32 Mythic+ Dungeons: Evolution & Impact on Group Play Thu, 02 Nov 2023 15:30:45 +0000 Mythic+ dungeons represent one of the most engaging and competitive PvE game modes in the modern World of Warcraft. First […]

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Mythic+ dungeons represent one of the most engaging and competitive PvE game modes in the modern World of Warcraft. First introduced in the Legion expansion, Mythic+ has evolved considerably over time and left wide-ranging impacts on group play culture and social dynamics. 

This article will dive into the origins, growth, and multi-faceted effects of the Mythic+ dungeon progression system.

The Origins of Mythic+ in Legion

Introducing the Mythic+ System

Mythic difficulty dungeons existed in WoW prior to Legion but lacked repeatable scaling challenges once conquered. The Mythic+ system introduced ever-increasing difficulty levels for dungeons based on weekly Keystone levels, challenging affixes, and strict timers. 

Progressively higher Mythic+ levels required tremendously skilled gameplay and intricate teamwork. This new form of infinitely scaling small-group PvE challenged the most competitive players, offering prestigious endgame progression beyond raiding. 

Blizzard expanded the system later in Legion by introducing themed “Seasons” which encouraged groups to push for higher Keystone levels to earn unique cosmetic rewards at seasonal culmination.

Reception and Praise

The Mythic+ system was widely praised when introduced in Legion for adding engaging, rewarding small-group content. It fulfilled the demand for challenging dungeon progression lacking from normal and Heroic difficulties. Mythic+ filled a gap, cementing itself as a central pillar of competitive PvE.

Refining the Mythic+ System in BFA

Improving and Expanding Mythic+ 

The Battle for Azeroth expansion iterated on the Mythic+ framework. An “Awakened” mode was added, providing cosmetic rewards for completing a Mythic+ dungeon at +15 or higher in time. This expanded aspiration beyond only the seasonalMount reward.

Most significantly, the alternating seasonal affix system was introduced in BFA. This added a new global modifier each season that changed the experience and tactics for high-end keystone pushing. For example, the “Reaping” affix caused slain enemies to resurrect across the dungeon – demanding perfection under pressure.

Pushing Further into Competitiveness

BFA’s innovations enhanced the competitive, strategic nature of Mythic+ – especially with the introduction of changing seasonal affixes. Week-to-week variation in optimal play kept experienced groups adapting and perfecting new techniques each season.

Current State of Mythic+ in Shadowlands

Mythic+ Progression Today

Shadowlands has expanded the prestige and motivations for Mythic+ further. The new weekly “Great Vault” directly rewards items for the highest Mythic+ keystone completed each week, beyond the end-of-dungeon loot. This strengthened the progression loop.

Torghast tower content introduced in Shadowlands also allows tailoring legendary gear for specific Mythic+ needs by collecting class/spec-based cinders each week. Certain Torghast combat anima powers that eventually work in Mythic+ dungeons like uncapped AOE also enable interesting strategic choices.

Broader Accessibility

While still tuned for the top end, Shadowlands did target some pain points of Mythic+ and reduce entry barriers. Lower keystones were made more forgiving. Gearing avenues were expanded via Zone Renown vendors. And Torghast’s legendary systems provide clear gear targeting.

Impacts on Group Play Culture

The evolution of Mythic+ over WoW expansions has exerted significant influence on gameplay culture and social dynamics across several areas:

Intense “Meter” Focus

The strict timers and narrow success conditions of higher Mythic+ emphasize raw DPS and HPS output. This has strongly reinforced the use of damage and healing meters to measure, analyze, and optimize gameplay on a microscopic level. Raw speed and meter rankings dominate over survivability.

Rigid Group Compositions

Efficient group compositions for seriously pushing Mythic+ keystones emphasize specific utility and buff synergies over pure play skill. Certain “meta” specs with abilities like Battle Resurrection, Heroism/Bloodlust or AOE stuns excel in the community due to these factors. Expectations of bringing optimal classes reduce diversity.

Required Route Memorization

Higher-tier Mythic+ has evolved to rely intensely on each group member meticulously studying and memorizing pre-planned routes through dungeons to maximize enemy countered and time efficiency. This hyper-focus on prepared execution over-reactive gameplay feels restrictive to some players.

Increased Toxicity

The high-stakes timed nature of Mythic+, unfortunately, breeds aggressive mindsets, anxiety, and player toxicity regarding performance, group composition, and mistakes. Rampant ego, harassment of underperformers, and bullying tarnish too much of the community at the higher levels.

Exclusive Mindset Creep

As Mythic+ difficulty scales exponentially past the 15 keystone level into the 20+ range, an unhealthy divide has formed between elite players exclusively pushing the cutting edge versus the casual base simply attempting to complete a weekly 10. This segregation and exclusion of “outsiders” inhibits learning.

Being a Thoughtful Mythic+ Teammate After Boosting

As we’ve analyzed in the article on the Impacts of WoW boosting services, purchasing a boost can save time but some look down on boosted players as less skilled.

If you do opt to boost for quicker access to Mythic+ and other endgame content, take steps to become a considerate, effective teammate:

  • Thoroughly learn your class, dungeon mechanics, optimal routes
  • Acquire suitable gear, consumables, and talents for content
  • Disclose if you’re new and be receptive to advice
  • Focus on incremental improvements rather than expecting perfection
  • Be patient with yourself and your teammates, and don’t engage in toxicity

The goal after boosting shouldn’t be immediate elite performance, but gradually earning skill and experience respectfully. With a mindset of collaboration over competition, we uplift each other in difficult group content.

Is An Adjustment to the Current Course Needed?

While the challenge of Mythic+ remains captivating for dedicated players, the current trajectory risks catering too narrowly to top-end competitiveness and optimal efficiency over holistic enjoyment, morale, and community building. However, sweeping changes also risk disrupting a successful system.

Some moderate tweaks to re-emphasize fun, learning, and reduced toxicity may be prudent. Potential options include slightly relaxing punitive timers, better incentives for failing and completing imperfect keystones, fostering a wider range of viable group builds, or providing rewards for good-mannered gameplay.

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How WoW Boosting Affects the In-Game Economy and Communities Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:21:38 +0000 The practice of purchasing World of Warcraft character boosts from services like has grown substantially in recent years. While […]

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The practice of purchasing World of Warcraft character boosts from services like has grown substantially in recent years. While convenient for quickly accessing endgame content, boosting also has wider impacts on the in-game economy and social dynamics that are less often considered.

This blog post examines some of the key effects – both positive and negative – that the prevalence of boosting has on economic systems, group play, and social connections in WoW.

Economic Impacts of Boosting

The most direct economic consequence of boosting is the injection of large amounts of raw gold into the game economy. When players purchase a boost, they essentially convert real-world money into in-game gold supplied by boosting services. This expands the gold supply within WoW.

Some potential effects of this inflated gold supply include:

  • Higher Prices – More total gold in the economy drives inflation. The prices of many goods, services, and assets like gear or rare items increase.
  • Devalued Professions – When more players can simply buy gold and gear, professions that provide gold or gear generation like farming and crafting may become less profitable.
  • Easier Access to Items – On the plus side, the easier gold acquisition does enable more players to afford coveted items like mounts. But it diminishes the prestige of expensive goods.
  • Subscription Tokens – The WoW Token allows players to exchange gold for game time. More gold from boosting likely translates to higher Token prices.
  • Auction House Impacts – Commodity speculation and economic manipulation become more prevalent with more liquid gold. Prices fluctuate.

While free-flowing gold provides certain benefits, unchecked inflation can severely damage a game economy. Blizzard does attempt to counter this with gold sinks like mounts, transmogs, and consumables. But boosting does risk devaluing achievement in some parts of the game.

Social Dynamics and Communities

Beyond just the economy, character boosting also affects certain social dynamics, group play, and community impacts:

  • Less Connections While Leveling – Leveling traditionally builds bonds as you group up and slowly progress. Boosting bypasses this, reducing connections with other levelers.
  • Undermines Accomplishment – A sense of achievement comes from reaching the max level manually. Boosting erodes this, angering some players who leveled traditionally.
  • Enables Playing With Friends – On the other hand, boosting does let you quickly join friends who are already max level and established.
  • Less Knowledge of Class/Game – Boosted players often have big knowledge gaps about their class and the game, which can cause tensions in group play.
  • Potential Stigma – Some players look down on those who are boosted over leveling manually, creating a social stigma around boosting.
  • Questionable Skill Level – Due to lesser knowledge and experience, boosted players may be seen as less skilled, rightfully or not.

Blizzard has sought to address some of these concerns by requiring a level 70 character on the account before allowing boosting. But social growing pains still persist between boosters and non-boosters.

Should Boosting Be Limited Further? 

Given the above impacts, some players have called for Blizzard to restrict or heavily limit boosting activities. However, curtailing boosting too aggressively could drive it to unsafe black market sources with security risks.

Here are two perspectives on whether boosting should face heavier restrictions:

The Case for Limiting Boosting

Given the above impacts, some players have called for Blizzard to impose heavier restrictions or limits on boosting activities. However, being too aggressive in curtailing boosting could simply drive it to unsafe black market sources with security risks.

There are two main perspectives on whether boosting should face stricter control. Those in favor argue that boosting hurts class immersion and skill progression by allowing players to skip leveling. It cheapens the journey to the max level which usually provides a great sense of fulfillment once achieved manually. 

Boosting can also contribute to toxic “pay-to-win” mentalities, undermine the prestige of difficult achievements earned without shortcuts, and create skill gaps in group play. From an economic angle, widespread boosting likely contributes to inflation and other issues.

The Case Against Heavy Restrictions

On the other side, supporters argue against heavy-handed restrictions because boosting allows friends to quickly play together rather than leveling alone for weeks first. It provides access for time-limited players who still want high-level characters. Boosting lets players avoid the most repetitive and outdated leveling content from past expansions. It generates revenue for Blizzard and can potentially bolster populations on lower-activity servers. Finally, boosting is already somewhat restricted, like requiring a level 70 character before allowing a boost.

Blizzard faces difficult decisions on how to best manage boosting. While problems certainly exist, boosts remain highly desired by many players. Removing boosts outright seems unlikely. However, additional moderate tweaks could help ease the most negative side effects of excessive boosting.

Mitigating Boosting’s Adverse Effects 

Rather than outright bans, more nuanced solutions could alleviate boosting issues while preserving the practice for players who desire it. Some potential ideas include:

  • Require completing more content manually before allowing boosts, like the entire previous expansion.
  • Implement level band caps so players can only boost up to a certain threshold, like level 50 or 60, not all the way to the current cap.
  • Limit how frequently accounts can use boosts, like only once per expansion.
  • Provide boosts only for brand-new expansions, not older ones, to keep content relevant.
  • Develop more advanced starter tutorials for freshly boosted characters to guide learning.
  • Create solo challenges that reward lore/backstory for key plot points missed while boosting.
  • Incentivize manually leveling up additional characters on already boosted accounts.

With creative systems tuning, Blizzard could support boosts for players who want them while reducing wider economic and social disruptions.

The Bottom Line

Boosting provides quick access to endgame content, but also affects WoW’s economy, achievement prestige, social dynamics, and player skill trajectories. While boosts will likely remain available, Blizzard could implement more nuanced restrictions and guidance to smooth disruptions.

In the end, players themselves must be conscientious about boosting moderately and being respectful of others in the game. Prioritizing learning and skill growth mitigates many issues stemming from the overuse of level boosts. As with all systems in WoW, pursuing enjoyment and engagement in a thoughtful way provides the healthiest path.

The post How WoW Boosting Affects the In-Game Economy and Communities appeared first on Broke-Little-Rob.

Mastering Strategies in Aviator Gaming Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:29:04 +0000  If you’re aiming to conquer the casino skies, you need an Aviator game tricks. Our expert-crafted guide is your ultimate companion […]

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 If you’re aiming to conquer the casino skies, you need an Aviator game tricks. Our expert-crafted guide is your ultimate companion to take your gaming experience to new heights and boost your chances of success. 

In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the Aviator casino game, unveiling top-notch tips and proven techniques that can lead you to victory. 

Betting Approach with 2x Multipliers

When it comes to the exhilarating Aviator game, understanding the intricacies of betting approaches is key to maximizing your success. One popular tactic revolves around the 2x multipliers, which can significantly impact your gameplay and potential winnings. 

Here are some betting strategies with 2x multipliers:

  • The Double-Up Strategy

Versatile for any bet, this method demands a solid bankroll. Study past multipliers, and bet when confident the plane reaches x2 before leaving. Cash-out at x2 for a 100% gain within moderate risk.

  • The 1.5x + 2x Strategy 

A spin on solo betting, the 1.5x + 2x Strategy starts with a $10, 1.5-odds wager. Utilize auto features for focus, then manually bet $5 with an x2 multiplier. Bet after six sub-x2 multipliers and halt at the x10 mark. Repeat post-analysis for potential gains.

Martingale Technique or Doubling-Up Strategy

The Martingale Technique, also known as the Doubling-Up Strategy, is a popular betting strategy used in various games of chance, including casino games. The core principle behind this technique is to recoup losses by doubling the bet after each loss until a win is achieved.

A widely used tactic among casino enthusiasts, this approach is tailored for the Aviator game:

1. Analyze statistics, considering around a hundred prior rounds.

2. Opt for the maximum multiplier where the plane remained airborne in about 50% of instances.

3. Start with a modest bet to prevent quick depletion during losing streaks. For instance, if your bankroll is limited, begin with 20 or 40 cents. Avoid large bets.

4. Await the plane to reach the targeted odds.

5. Employ the doubling-down pattern after losses.

6. Following a win, revert to the initial bet.

Though gradual, this method proves effective. Take into account its steady pace for successful outcomes.

Additional Pointers and Clever Insights for Aviator

Enhance your Aviator game prowess with these additional tips:

·     Bankroll Management

Set a budget and stick to it. Avoid risking more than you’re comfortable losing.

·     Practice in Demo Mode

Many platforms offer demo versions to practice without real money. Familiarize yourself with the game before wagering.

·     Know the Odds

Understand the odds and multipliers. Don’t solely rely on luck; informed decisions make a difference.

·     Start Small

Begin with low bets until you’re confident in your strategy and understanding of the game.

·     Study Patterns

Analyze past rounds for patterns or trends in multipliers and outcomes. This might aid your decision-making.

·     Use Autoplay Wisely

Autoplay can be convenient, but keep an eye on your progress. Don’t lose track of your bets.

·     Set Goals

Set realistic profit goals and stop when you’ve achieved them. Avoid chasing continuous wins.

·     Take Breaks

Long sessions can lead to fatigue. Take breaks to maintain focus and decision-making clarity.

Noteworthy Aviator Side Pointers and Innovative Techniques

Explore these noteworthy side pointers and innovative techniques to elevate your Aviator gaming experience:

·     Multi-Multiplier Strategy

Observe instances where consecutive multipliers occur. Strategically place bets to capitalize on potential winning streaks.

·     Multi-Flight Approach

Diversify your bets across various multipliers. This method spreads risk while maintaining opportunities for substantial wins.

·     Chart Analysis

Keep track of your bets and outcomes on a chart. Identify patterns or adjustments needed in your strategy for better decision-making.

·     Reverse Martingale

Instead of doubling after losses, consider increasing bets after wins. Manage risks while capitalizing on winning streaks.

·     Play for Entertainment

Prioritize enjoyment over profit. Set aside a specific gaming budget and appreciate the experience.

·     Community Insights

Engage with fellow players in forums or communities. Sharing strategies and learning from others can provide fresh perspectives.

·     Progressive Betting

Gradually increase your bets after each win. Safeguard winnings while potentially capitalizing on a streak.

·     Session Limits

Divide your gaming into sessions, each with its own budget and timeframe. This prevents overexposure and maintains focus.

·     Analyze Payout Ratios

Evaluate casinos’ payout percentages for Aviator. Opt for platforms with favorable odds to enhance your overall returns.

·     Mobile Optimization

Enjoy the game on mobile devices. Many platforms offer mobile-friendly versions for gaming convenience.

Use the D’Alembert System

The D’Alembert System is a popular betting strategy often employed in casino games that have even-money bets, like roulette or coin-flip games. Named after the French mathematician Jean-Baptiste le Rond d’Alembert, this system is based on the idea of balancing wins and losses over time by adjusting bet sizes incrementally.

As per his theory, losses in line with the Theory of Relativity move victory nearer. In other words, with every setback, the likelihood of the following bet succeeding grows. The core of the d’Alembert strategy lies in boosting the bet on losses and reducing it on wins.

In the D’Alembert System:

·     Initial Bet: Start with a base bet amount.

·     Adjustment on Loss: After each loss, increase your bet by a predetermined unit (e.g., $1).

·     Adjustment on Win: After a win, decrease your bet by the same unit.


Enjoy your Aviator game experience with the finest strategies at your disposal. From mastering multiplier patterns to calculated approaches, your path to triumph is illuminated. With these strategies, the skies of success are within reach, and every wager becomes a calculated step toward victory.

The post Mastering Strategies in Aviator Gaming appeared first on Broke-Little-Rob.

Top 10 Simulator Games for the Nintendo Switch in 2023 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 14:58:49 +0000 Are you a fan of simulation games? Do you own a Nintendo Switch? Well, you’re in luck because 2023 is […]

The post Top 10 Simulator Games for the Nintendo Switch in 2023 appeared first on Broke-Little-Rob.

Are you a fan of simulation games? Do you own a Nintendo Switch? Well, you’re in luck because 2023 is shaping up to be an incredible year for simulator games on the Nintendo Switch. In this article, we will explore the top 10 simulator games that you should be playing on your Nintendo Switch this year. From building your own PC to becoming a winemaker, there’s a game for everyone in this list. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the immersive world of simulator games on the Nintendo Switch.

Immerse Yourself in the Best Simulator Games for the Nintendo Switch

With the advancement in gaming technology, simulator games have come a long way. They offer a unique experience where players can simulate real-life activities and explore various professions. The Nintendo Switch has become a popular platform for simulator games, providing players with the ability to take their gaming experiences on the go. Whether you’re a fan of farming, cooking, or city planning, there’s a simulator game waiting for you on the Nintendo Switch.

One of the most popular simulator games on the Nintendo Switch is “Stardew Valley.” In this game, players take on the role of a character who inherits a run-down farm and must work to restore it to its former glory. You’ll have to plant crops, raise animals, and build relationships with the townspeople. With its charming pixel art style and relaxing gameplay, “Stardew Valley” is a must-play for fans of farming simulator games.

If you’re more interested in the culinary arts, “Cooking Simulator” is the game for you. In this realistic cooking simulation, players can chop, slice, and dice their way to becoming a master chef. With a wide variety of ingredients and recipes to choose from, you’ll have endless opportunities to create delicious dishes. Whether you’re cooking up a storm in the kitchen or experimenting with new flavors, “Cooking Simulator” offers a truly immersive cooking experience.

For those who enjoy the thrill of city planning and management, “Cities: Skylines” is the perfect game. As the mayor of a growing city, you’ll have to make strategic decisions to ensure the well-being and prosperity of your citizens. From zoning residential, commercial, and industrial areas to managing the city’s infrastructure, “Cities: Skylines” offers a deep and engaging simulation of urban life. With its realistic graphics and complex gameplay mechanics, this game is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

Another notable simulator game on the Nintendo Switch is “Job Simulator.” In this quirky and humorous game, players step into the shoes of various job roles, such as an office worker, a chef, or a mechanic. Through a series of interactive tasks and challenges, you’ll experience what it’s like to work in different professions. With its lighthearted gameplay and charming art style, “Job Simulator” is a fun and entertaining way to explore different careers.

Simulator games on the Nintendo Switch offer a wide range of experiences, allowing players to immerse themselves in different professions and activities. Whether you’re tending to a virtual farm, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, or managing a bustling city, these games provide a unique and engaging gameplay experience. So grab your Nintendo Switch, and get ready to embark on exciting virtual adventures!

PC Building Simulator (2019)

Do you have a passion for technology? Have you ever wanted to build your own PC? Look no further than PC Building Simulator. This game allows you to step into the shoes of a PC builder and learn the ins and outs of building a computer. From selecting the right components to cable management, PC Building Simulator has it all. With its realistic graphics and accurate representations of PC hardware, this game is perfect for both aspiring PC builders and seasoned veterans.

Imagine being able to create your dream PC from scratch, choosing every component to perfectly match your needs and preferences. PC Building Simulator offers a wide range of options when it comes to selecting components, from the latest processors and graphics cards to the most efficient cooling systems and storage solutions. You can experiment with different combinations to find the perfect balance between performance and budget.

But PC Building Simulator is not just about selecting components. It also provides a realistic simulation of the building process itself. You will learn how to properly install each component, from the motherboard and CPU to the RAM and power supply. The game guides you through each step, ensuring that you understand the importance of proper installation techniques and cable management.

One of the most exciting aspects of PC Building Simulator is the ability to troubleshoot and diagnose hardware issues. In real life, troubleshooting can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, but in this game, it becomes a challenging and rewarding experience. You will encounter various hardware problems and have to use your knowledge and problem-solving skills to fix them. This feature not only enhances the realism of the game but also helps players develop valuable troubleshooting skills that can be applied in real-world scenarios.

PC Building Simulator also offers a career mode, where you can start your own PC building business. You will receive orders from customers with specific requirements and budgets, and it will be your job to fulfill their needs while staying within their budget constraints. This mode adds an extra layer of challenge and realism, as you will have to manage your resources and time effectively to meet deadlines and satisfy your customers.

Furthermore, PC Building Simulator provides a platform for the PC building community to connect and share their creations. The game features a workshop mode where players can create and upload their own custom PC builds for others to try out. This not only fosters creativity and innovation but also allows players to learn from each other and discover new ideas and techniques.

In conclusion, PC Building Simulator is a must-play game for anyone interested in technology and PC building. It offers a realistic and immersive experience that allows players to learn and practice the skills required to build their own PCs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced PC builder, this game has something to offer. So, grab your virtual screwdriver and start building!


Do you have a love for cooking? Venba is a cooking simulation game that takes you on a culinary journey like no other. Set in the 1980s, you play as an Indian mother named Venba, who is on a mission to pass down her family recipes to her daughter. The game beautifully captures the essence of Indian cuisine and immerses you in Venba’s life as she balances her love for cooking with the challenges of raising a family. If you’re a food enthusiast, Venba is a must-play on the Nintendo Switch.

Hundred Days – Winemaking Simulator (2023)

Ever dreamed of owning your own winery? Look no further than Hundred Days – Winemaking Simulator. This game allows you to step into the shoes of a winemaker and experience the journey of creating your very own wine. From planting and harvesting grapes to aging and bottling your wine, Hundred Days offers a realistic and comprehensive winemaking experience. With its stunning visuals and attention to detail, this game is a wine lover’s dream come true.

Summer in Mara

Escape to a tropical paradise in Summer in Mara. This game lets you explore the vibrant world of Mara, a beautiful archipelago filled with mysteries waiting to be unraveled. As Koa, a young girl with a love for adventure, you’ll navigate the stunning landscapes, grow crops, befriend charismatic characters, and uncover the secrets of the island. With its charming art style and relaxing gameplay, Summer in Mara is a must-have for fans of exploration and relaxation.

Stardew Valley

Step into the shoes of a small-town farmer in Stardew Valley. Create your own farm, raise livestock, and build relationships with the colorful residents of Pelican Town. Stardew Valley offers a wide variety of activities, from fishing and mining to exploring mysterious caves. With its charming retro graphics and engaging gameplay, this game has captivated players worldwide. Whether you’re a veteran farmer or a newcomer to the genre, Stardew Valley is a must-play on the Nintendo Switch.

Cities: Skylines – Nintendo Switch Edition

Are you a fan of city-building games? Look no further than Cities: Skylines – Nintendo Switch Edition. This game allows you to create and manage your own city, from designing road networks and zoning areas to managing public services and handling traffic. With its in-depth simulation and extensive modding capabilities, Cities: Skylines offers endless possibilities for city builders. Whether you’re a seasoned city planner or a newcomer to the genre, this game is sure to keep you entertained for hours.

Farming Simulator 23

Experience the joys and challenges of modern farming in Farming Simulator 23. This game allows you to take on the role of a farmer, managing your own farm and making key decisions to ensure its success. From cultivating crops and tending to livestock to buying and selling equipment, Farming Simulator 23 offers a realistic and immersive farming experience. With its stunning visuals and authentic gameplay, this game is a must-have for any farming enthusiast.

Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator – Al Forno Edition

Have you ever dreamed of running your own restaurant? Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator – Al Forno Edition brings that dream to life. In this game, you’ll take on the role of a chef and manage every aspect of your restaurant, from creating mouthwatering dishes to hiring and training staff. With its realistic cooking mechanics and challenging gameplay, Chef Life offers a taste of the fast-paced restaurant industry. Whether you’re an aspiring chef or a foodie looking for a new culinary adventure, this game is sure to satisfy your appetite.

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Embark on a farming adventure in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. In this game, you’ll inherit your grandfather’s farm and turn it into a thriving homestead. From planting crops and raising animals to exploring the vast wilderness and building relationships with the townsfolk, Story of Seasons offers a charming and immersive farming experience. With its beautiful visuals and heartwarming storyline, this game is perfect for fans of the farming simulation genre.

Graveyard Keeper

Discover the dark and quirky world of Graveyard Keeper. In this game, you’ll take on the role of a graveyard keeper and manage your own cemetery. From burying bodies and gathering resources to crafting tools and performing autopsies, Graveyard Keeper offers a unique and macabre gameplay experience. With its dark humor and addictive gameplay loop, this game is perfect for players looking for something different in the simulator genre.


The Nintendo Switch has truly become a haven for simulator game enthusiasts. With its portable design and impressive library of games, it’s no wonder that simulation games have found a home on this versatile platform. From building PCs to managing virtual farms and restaurants, the Nintendo Switch offers a diverse range of simulator games that cater to different interests and preferences. So, whether you’re a fan of the genre or looking to dive into the world of simulation games, these top 10 simulator games for the Nintendo Switch in 2023 are sure to provide you with hours of immersive and engaging gameplay.

The post Top 10 Simulator Games for the Nintendo Switch in 2023 appeared first on Broke-Little-Rob.

Realism vs. Playability: Striking the Balance in Simulation Games Fri, 27 Oct 2023 10:43:44 +0000 The topic of balancing realism and playability in simulation games is complex, encompassing a variety of aspects such as target […]

The post Realism vs. Playability: Striking the Balance in Simulation Games appeared first on Broke-Little-Rob.

The topic of balancing realism and playability in simulation games is complex, encompassing a variety of aspects such as target audience, instructional purposes, and technology limits. Before looking into how game designers achieve the balance between a genuine simulation and an entertaining gaming experience, it is critical to understand these variables.

Understanding Realism in Simulation Games

The physical, behavioral, and systemic components of realism in simulation games can all be considered. Physical realism refers to how accurately the game simulates real-world physics, such as aerodynamics in a flight simulator or ballistics in a military simulation. Behavioral realism is concerned with the behaviors and reactions of the game’s AI characters or agents. Systemic realism, on the other hand, is concerned with the bigger systems at work, such as economic, political, or ecological processes that may be replicated in the game.

The Quest for Playability

The elusive attribute that makes a game pleasant and compelling is playability. A game must not just be an exact simulation; it must also provide challenges and rewards that keep the user engaged. User interface design, tempo, learning curve, and overall enjoyment are all aspects of playability. Finding the correct balance between realism and playability is a difficult job that may be the difference between success and failure for a game.

The Balancing Act

Target Audience

Understanding the target audience is crucial. A game aimed at professionals for training purposes may prioritize realism, while one intended for casual gamers may focus on playability. For instance, Microsoft’s Flight Simulator aims for high fidelity in aircraft controls and environments but offers multiple difficulty levels to accommodate less experienced players.

Technological Constraints

Another consideration is the hardware and software constraints. Achieving high levels of realism often requires advanced graphics and computational power. However, not all players have access to such resources, which may necessitate some trade-offs to ensure wider accessibility.

Game Mechanics

Game designers use various mechanics to mediate between realism and playability. For example, a racing simulation might use real-world physics but offer assists like traction control to help novice players. These assists can often be toggled on or off, providing a customizable experience that can cater to both realism aficionados and those looking for a more relaxed gaming experience.

Educational Goals

In games with educational objectives, realism might serve to impart a specific skill or understanding. However, designers often incorporate game-like challenges and rewards to maintain engagement, providing a mix of realism for educational purposes and playability for engagement.

Case Studies

Games like “Kerbal Space Program” offer an excellent example of this balance. The game is praised for its realistic physics engine simulating space flight, but it also incorporates a humorous and approachable aesthetic with its green, alien Kerbals, making the subject matter less daunting for newcomers.

Another example could be “Civilization VI,” which simplifies complex geopolitical systems into turn-based gameplay. The game does not fully capture the intricacies of global politics, but it offers an engaging way to understand the basics of resource management, diplomacy, and conflict.

The football simulation game “Football Manager” is another case study worth mentioning. While the game aims for an authentic recreation of managing a football (soccer) team, it also offers a range of options for players who may not be well-versed in the complexities of football strategy and administration.

  • Realism: The game features an extensive database of real players and clubs, detailed tactical options, and a simulation engine that takes into account numerous variables to produce a realistic match outcome.
  • Playability: “Football Manager” allows players to delegate responsibilities to AI assistants, simplifying gameplay for those who might find the full range of managerial tasks overwhelming. It also offers a “Touch” version, which is streamlined for quicker gameplay.

SimCity, one of the pioneers in the city-building simulation genre, provides a different angle. While the game aims to simulate the challenges of city governance and urban planning, it employs a degree of abstraction to ensure the game remains fun and accessible.

  • Realism: SimCity incorporates real-world urban planning principles, such as zoning, taxation, and public services, giving players a taste of what it’s like to be a city manager.
  • Playability: The game streamlines many complexities inherent in city governance, using a more simplified economic model and automating certain tasks to keep players engaged without overwhelming them.

Both “Football Manager” and SimCity exemplify how realism and playability can coexist in simulation games. They offer a degree of complexity and authenticity that satisfies those looking for a realistic experience while also providing options and mechanics that make the games accessible and engaging for a broader audience.


The challenge of balancing realism and playability in simulation games is a complex undertaking that involves multiple considerations including the target audience, technological limitations, and specific game objectives. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but by understanding these various factors, designers can create experiences that offer both an authentic simulation and an engaging game. The equilibrium achieved between these elements determines not only the commercial success of the game but also its potential impact as an educational or training tool.

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The Role of Probability Algorithms in Gaming Simulators and Casino Games Fri, 27 Oct 2023 09:04:05 +0000 Both gaming simulators and casino games have grown significantly in the realm of digital entertainment. While these two categories may […]

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Both gaming simulators and casino games have grown significantly in the realm of digital entertainment. While these two categories may appear to be separate, they share the same foundation: the employment of probability algorithms to provide realistic, interesting, and occasionally unanticipated experiences. This article will investigate and compare how these algorithms work in gaming simulators and casino games.

Probability Algorithms in Gaming Simulators

Gaming simulators attempt to replicate real-world circumstances, such as operating an airline, administering a city, or engaging in battle. The use of probability algorithms to calculate diverse outcomes is a crucial component of their realism. In a flight simulator, for example, the algorithm may include the risk of turbulence depending on meteorological conditions. These algorithms may be rather complicated, with several variables and even machine learning to react to the actions of the player.

Probability Algorithms in Casino Games

Casino games, on the other hand, such as slots, poker, and roulette, are fundamentally games of chance. Probability algorithms regulate the unpredictability of results in this case. These algorithms provide a series of integers that correlate to various gaming circumstances. Unlike game simulators, the major focus is on assuring justice and unpredictability rather than simulating real-world settings.

Case Study: Fortune Tiger

Let’s consider the casino game “Fortune Tiger” –, as an example. This game is a slot machine with an Asian theme, featuring symbols like tigers, dragons, and coins. Like other casino games, “Fortune Tiger” uses a Random Number Generator (RNG) algorithm to determine the outcome of each spin. What sets it apart is its use of additional algorithms that might determine the appearance of special symbols or bonus rounds, making the experience more dynamic.

In comparison to a flight simulator, where the algorithm might adjust in real-time based on a myriad of factors like player input and environmental variables, the algorithms in “Fortune Tiger” are more straightforward. They primarily focus on ensuring that each spin’s outcome is independent and fair, conforming to the established odds of the game.

Commonalities and Differences

Despite their distinct objectives, gaming simulators and casino games do share some common traits in their use of probability algorithms. Both strive for a balance between predictability and randomness, aiming to create an engaging user experience. They also often undergo rigorous testing to ensure the algorithms are functioning as intended, thereby maintaining the integrity of the game.

However, the differences are more pronounced. Gaming simulators often use adaptive algorithms that can change based on the player’s actions or external factors. In contrast, casino games usually employ static algorithms designed to ensure consistent odds.

Ethical Considerations

Although this article doesn’t focus on ethics, it’s worth noting that the implementation of these algorithms isn’t devoid of ethical considerations. In casino games, the fairness of the algorithm has direct financial implications for the players. In gaming simulators, poorly designed algorithms could lead to misleading representations of real-world scenarios.

Although this article doesn’t focus on ethics, it’s worth noting that the implementation of these algorithms isn’t devoid of ethical considerations. In casino games, the fairness of the algorithm has direct financial implications for the players. In gaming simulators, poorly designed algorithms could lead to misleading representations of real-world scenarios.

  • Transparency: One ethical consideration common to both fields is the need for transparency in how algorithms function. In casino games, players are often unaware of how the odds are calculated, which can lead to a misconception about their chances of winning. In gaming simulators, a lack of algorithmic transparency can result in a skewed portrayal of reality, which might affect a player’s understanding of the real-world scenario being simulated.
  • Addictive Behaviors: Both gaming simulators and casino games can be designed in ways that encourage addictive behaviors. Casino games, with their immediate financial rewards, can be particularly addictive. On the other hand, gaming simulators can create a ‘flow state,’ where players lose track of time and neglect other responsibilities. While this may be a design goal to enhance user engagement, it raises ethical questions about the responsibility of the designers.

In sum, the ethical dimensions associated with probability algorithms in both gaming simulators and casino games extend beyond the technical realm. Transparency is crucial for ethical integrity, and the potential for encouraging addictive behaviors necessitates careful design considerations. These ethical nuances add another layer of complexity to the use of algorithms in digital entertainment.


Probability algorithms provide the foundation for realism and involvement in gaming simulators and casino games. While they work on distinct premises—simulation vs chance—both use mathematical models to generate an engaging user experience. These algorithms are expected to get more complex as technology improves, further blurring the distinctions between simulation and reality.

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The Rise of Vape Simulator & Vaping Mod in Games: Reality and Virtual Fun Tue, 19 Sep 2023 06:09:15 +0000 In recent years, the gaming industry has witnessed a remarkable evolution, with developers constantly seeking innovative ways to engage players. […]

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In recent years, the gaming industry has witnessed a remarkable evolution, with developers constantly seeking innovative ways to engage players. One surprising and controversial trend that has emerged is the rise of vape simulator games. These games aim to recreate the vaping experience, providing a virtual alternative to the real thing. While they have sparked debates about their safety and appeal, there is no denying that vape simulator games have garnered a growing following. In this article, we will explore the world of vape simulator games, examining their popularity, impact, and controversies.

The Genesis of Vape Simulator Games

Vaping, the act of inhaling and exhaling vapour produced by electronic cigarettes or vape pens, gained significant popularity in the early 2010s. As vaping culture spread, it was only a matter of time before it found its way into the world of gaming. Vape simulator games emerged as a niche sub-genre within the broader simulation game category, catering to those who were either curious about vaping or simply wanted to experience it without the health risks associated with the real activity.

These games typically allow players to customise their virtual vape pens, choose from a variety of e-liquid flavours, and simulate the act of vaping by pressing buttons or swiping screens. Some even include social features that allow players to “vape” together in virtual spaces. The goal of these games is to offer a realistic vaping experience, complete with the sensory aspects of flavour, aroma, and visual effects.

The Popularity of Vape Simulator Games

Despite their controversial nature, vape simulator games have attracted a sizable following, especially among younger gamers. Here are a few reasons behind their popularity:

1. Curiosity: Many gamers are curious about vaping but may be hesitant to try it in real life due to health concerns or societal stigma. Vape simulator games provide a safe and risk-free environment for them to explore the vaping experience.

2. Customization: These games offer a high level of customization, allowing players to experiment with various vape pen designs, e-liquid flavours, and vapour effects. The ability to tailor the experience to one’s preferences is a significant draw.

3. Social Interaction: Some vape simulator games incorporate multiplayer features, enabling players to connect with friends or strangers in virtual vape lounges. This social aspect adds an extra layer of appeal, as it mimics the communal aspect of real-life vaping circles.

4. Stress Relief: Just like other simulation games, vape simulators can be used as a form of relaxation and stress relief. The act of virtually vaping can be soothing for some players.

Controversies Surrounding Vape Simulator Games

While vape simulator games have their enthusiasts, they have also stirred up considerable controversy:

1. Encouraging Real-Life Vaping: Critics argue that these games may normalize vaping and potentially encourage real-life use among impressionable players, particularly young people.

2. Lack of Regulation: Unlike real tobacco and vape products, vape simulator games are not subject to strict regulations or age restrictions. This raises concerns about underage access to virtual vaping experiences.

3. Health Implications: Although vape simulator games do not expose players to harmful chemicals, they may inadvertently downplay the health risks associated with real vaping, leading some to underestimate the dangers.

4. Glorification of Vaping: Some believe that these games romanticize and glorify the act of vaping, making it seem more appealing than it should be, given the health concerns associated with it.

Vape simulator games have undoubtedly carved out a niche in the gaming industry, attracting players with their unique blend of customization, social interaction, and sensory immersion. However, they are not without their controversies, as concerns about their potential to normalize and glamorize vaping persist.

As these games continue to evolve, both developers and regulators need to strike a balance between providing entertainment and addressing public health concerns. While vape simulator games offer a safe and risk-free alternative to real-life vaping, their impact on players’ perceptions and behaviours should not be underestimated. Try vapes from the online vape shop in France and enjoy real power of vapes.

In the end, the rise of vape simulator games serves as a reminder of the ever-evolving landscape of the gaming industry and the need for ongoing discussions about responsible game development and consumption. Players and developers alike must navigate this new terrain with caution, ensuring that fun and entertainment do not come at the expense of health and well-being.

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Just How Simulating Are They? 7 Criteria To Choose The Best Simulator Games Thu, 03 Nov 2022 14:24:18 +0000 Simulating your mind is one of the best and most underrated methods to relieve stress. However, it’s not enough anymore […]

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Simulating your mind is one of the best and most underrated methods to relieve stress. However, it’s not enough anymore to paint a wall, cook an omelet, or buy a ninja sword.

For example, have you ever played games that seem fun but don’t challenge your brain? Or played games with upgrade systems but can’t find the motivation to improve because of their unchallenging gameplay? We’ll teach you how to avoid such pitfalls and choose the best of the best cognitive simulator games.

Is the Game Easy to Learn?

One of the most important things to consider when it comes to games is whether or not they’re easy to learn. If you have never played a simulating game before, then you may not be familiar with all the rules and regulations that come along with it.

If you’re looking for something that will keep you engaged without requiring practice time, it would be best for you if the game was designed for beginners. This means that there won’t be too many steps in learning how to play the game correctly, so it won’t take up too much of your time or energy when playing it for the first time.

Does The Game Have Positive Reviews?

If you’re looking for a simulating game to play in your free time, then you’ll want to ensure that it has been reviewed positively by other players who have tried it out. This can help give you an idea of whether or not the game will be fun and exciting for you, helping you decide which one is right for you!

You can find reviews on many gaming sites, such as IGN and Gamespot, but these are not always detailed about what makes a game so simulating. 

For example, if someone says that a certain game is “addicting” or “hard to put down”, this doesn’t tell us much about why they found it so simulating in the first place! Instead of relying on these vague descriptions from other people, try to read through actual user reviews on Amazon or similar sites to get an idea of what makes each game so engaging for different people.

How Is the Game’s Design?

The design of a stimulator game is important because it affects how easy it is to play and learn from. If there aren’t any instructions included with your purchase, you should find them easily by searching through keywords like ‘stimulator game instructions’ or ‘how to use simulator games’. 

The design also affects how well-suited the game is for children and adults with disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). If you have young children who need help learning how to interact socially with others, look for games with bright colors and simple graphics.

Is There A Way To Get Better and Win?

Another important question when choosing a simulation game is whether there is an ending and if there is, is there a way to get better and win? If there isn’t any ending or if there are no ways to get better and win, then it becomes boring after a while because there is nothing else left to accomplish except beating your previous score or time. 

On the other hand, if there is an ending and if there are ways to get better at it and win, it becomes more exciting. You can keep trying until you beat your previous score or time.

Does It Offer Variety, Or Is It Monotonous?

The best simulator games are those that offer variety in their gameplay. The player should play the same game for hours without feeling bored or like they’ve done it all before.

If the game is too repetitive, it can become boring quickly and lose appeal for players of all ages. A good stimulator game should offer enough variety in its gameplay, so players don’t feel like they’re repeatedly doing the same thing.

Is It Suitable for Your Child?

You must understand that not all children can play certain games quickly without getting bored or frustrated. Some may even get stressed by certain tasks because they don’t know how to complete them properly.

This means that before purchasing any game for your child, ensure it’s suitable for their age group and ability level. Make sure they won’t get bored with the game quickly because this could cause them.

Does The Game Have A Good Community?

It will not be fun to play if the game doesn’t have a community. That’s because you need other people to play against or with to get any enjoyment out of the experience. 

You’ll also need a community where you can find new friends and play against them regularly if you want to continue playing for years and years. As such, if you’re looking for the best simulator games out there, ensure they have a strong online presence so that you can find other players easily and keep coming back for more fun every time!


By now, you should have a good understanding of the best simulation games available for seniors. And perhaps, you’ve also considered some of the different ways that these games can be played as well. Either way, we’re confident that your decision will be informed and educated, no matter which game you pick. So go ahead, and play a simulating game or two with your parents or relatives today. The world will benefit from it!

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Top 9 Aspects of Stimulator Gaming Better Than Before Tue, 01 Nov 2022 09:09:42 +0000 It’s no great secret that so many forms of entertainment are available to people nowadays. The difference is how they […]

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It’s no great secret that so many forms of entertainment are available to people nowadays. The difference is how they have to be made available. When it comes to gaming, there are different forms of online casino games to be played. 

While some might be familiar to some due to them having been around for a long time, there are also some less well-known ones that can be equally fun when you try them. With this in mind, let’s look at nine things that make simulator gaming better than before.

Available via Mobile Apps

Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become part of our everyday lives. This means we can play games on the go, wherever and whenever we want. Since stimulator gaming apps are available via mobile devices, gamers can get their dose of gaming in even when they are not right at a computer or console system.

Typically, stimulator gaming apps can be downloaded free from online app stores like the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. This helps make it much more convenient and accessible, especially for those looking for an engaging form of entertainment that doesn’t cost a lot.

Quality of the Content

The obvious aspect of stimulator gaming that has improved over time is the overall quality of the content. With better graphics, more immersive gameplay, and a lot more variety in terms of options and features these games offer, it’s no wonder that so many people are now choosing to play them as opposed to other forms of entertainment.

When the quality of the content is combined with the accessibility and convenience of playing these games online, it’s easy to see why many people choose simulator gaming as their preferred form of entertainment. You can find simulator games on various gaming websites and app stores on your mobile devices.

Responsive Customer Support

Customer support offered by most online bookies not on Gamstop is a crucial aspect of stimulator gaming. Customer support must be responsive and easily accessible to ensure players can get any issues or concerns they might have addressed.

Fortunately, most stimulator gaming sites offer responsive customer support via email and live chat today. This allows you to address your questions or issues on time and ensures you can always access the help and support you need when playing these games online.

Social Aspect

Another aspect of stimulator gaming that has improved over time is the social element. With multi-player modes, chat functionality, and in-game social media integration, stimulator gaming has become much more social than before.

This makes it easy for players to engage with one another and connect with other gamers from around the world. Whether you’re looking for some fun competition or want to chat with others while playing these games, there are plenty of ways to do so with stimulator gaming these days.

New Modern Features

In addition to the improved social aspect, stimulator gaming offers other modern features that make it more engaging and fun. Some examples include VR (virtual reality) support, chatbots, or automated players designed to challenge you with adaptive gameplay skills based on your performance.

The features available with stimulator gaming today certainly add a lot of depth and excitement to the overall experience, making it much more enjoyable.

More Compelling Narratives

One of the key strengths of stimulator gaming is its ability to craft compelling narratives that draw players in and keep them engaged. Whether it’s a sci-fi adventure set in outer space or a magical fantasy realm filled with dragons and other mythical creatures, stimulator games often feature well-developed storylines rich with detail and action.

This helps to keep players engaged and immersed in the experience from start to finish, creating a much more compelling and engaging gaming experience overall. And with so many different stimulator games available today, there’s something for everyone regarding the narratives these games offer.

Immersive Gameplay

Another major strength of stimulator games is the immersive gameplay that they offer. Unlike traditional forms of gaming, where players move a character around a digital environment, stimulator games immerse players in an entirely virtual world with rich graphics, detailed environments, and intricate storylines.

This makes them more engaging and compelling than traditional gaming types and helps set simulator games apart from the rest. So if you’re looking for a more immersive and engaging gaming experience, stimulator games are worth checking out.

Variety of Gameplay Options

Another major strength of stimulator gaming is its wide variety of gameplay options. Whether you prefer first-person shooters, racing games, sports simulations, or something else, there’s likely a stimulator game out there to suit your individual gaming preferences.

And with new stimulator games being released all the time, there’s always something new and exciting to try in this gaming genre. So if you’re looking for a wide variety of gameplay options, stimulator gaming is the way to go.

Increased Device Compatibility: 

Stimulator allows users to play their favorite games on multiple devices without worrying about compatibility issues or lagging speeds. Not only does this mean that users can enjoy better connectivity when playing their favorite games, but it also means that they can enjoy more freedom in terms of where they choose to play these games.

Stimulator Gaming Remains the Best

Many factors make simulator gaming better than before. Whether you’re looking for engaging content, convenience, accessibility, responsive customer support, or modern features like VR support or chatbots, there are plenty of reasons to choose simulator gaming as your preferred form of entertainment. So why not give it a try today and see just how excellent stimulator gaming can be?

The post Top 9 Aspects of Stimulator Gaming Better Than Before appeared first on Broke-Little-Rob.

The best urban planning simulators Tue, 18 Jan 2022 09:03:00 +0000 We present a selection of different urban development simulators, allowing the player to build and take control of a modern metropolis

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We present a selection of different urban development simulators, allowing the player to build and take control of a modern metropolis, a medieval settlement, a tropical island or even a Martian colony.

A game at the intersection of the genres of urban simulation and survival, which sends the user back to the distant past, when the first representatives of mankind just beginning to make their timid steps toward future greatness in a vast wild world, full of uncharted and dangerous.

Become the leader of a tribe of primitive people and help them survive and evolve over 10,000 years – from the ancient Stone Age to the early Iron Age. Building and rebuilding settlements, hunting and gathering, transitioning to a production economy, and inventing new types of tools are all fun and rewarding activities that you can take on in Dawn of Man.

Haemimont Games game, which came out in 2009 and combines the features not only of the urban development simulator and traditional real-time strategy game set in the era of the Roman Empire.

The player will have to build and develop cities, go on epic military campaigns, fighting with tribes of barbarians, in general, to do everything to ensure that the empire has expanded and prospered.

In Grand Ages: Rome there are two single-player and one online mode. Career mode allows the player to go through four dozen exciting missions, including both construction and military action, during which the player can take control of eighteen different types of military units of the Roman army.

Caesar IV is another city-building simulation in the not-so-familiar setting of the Roman Empire era. The problems then faced by the governor were generally similar to those encountered by mayors of later times: build roads, establish a supply of resources, and get a nice stream of incoming taxes to the treasury in the end.

But to build and rebuild in this town-planning simulator is to be smart and plan your actions ahead. If the lower and middle classes arrange some paved streets, the higher society, which will bring the lion’s share of taxes, to the beauty of the surroundings refers much more demanding. Therefore, strategy in Caesar IV is far from an empty word.

town-planning simulator with bright minimalistic graphics and medieval atmosphere, allowing the player to become the ruler of both a small village and a large medieval city with a chic castle as a residence.

Take care of the needs of your subjects and do not forget the need to expand the living space for future generations and permanent settlers. Count your resources and forces on the ever-changing seasons. Lastly, do not forget that the Middle Ages is a very dangerous time and a variety of often unpleasant events can suddenly strike your city: a barbarian attack, a plague epidemic, wolves breeding in the area or even a real fire-breathing dragon.

Forest Village is dedicated to building and survival in the Dark Ages, and the developers from Mindillusion tried to make the selected setting as realistic as possible, both in terms of graphics and design, and in terms of gameplay. A huge selection of all sorts of buildings and improvements to them, a lot of resources, extensive system of crafts and various other occupations for the settlers, the dozen of factors that affect the life of the settlement and more.

Kingdoms Reborn combines the mechanics of Banished, Civilization and Anno and offers to build an entire kingdom as the manager of a small village. You’ll build buildings, extract resources, research technology, and deal with everyday problems, all in accordance with the canons of the genre.

Kingdoms Reborn features an open world that is randomly generated and multiplayer that allows gamers to team up and compete in city building. Also pleasing is the card system (there are politics, construction, and interaction cards), which makes for a non-boring gameplay experience.

Depraved is a game about building and surviving in the Wild West. Build settlements with all possible amenities and erect border outposts so that the pioneers of the new civilization feel as comfortable and safe as possible in a new and rather hostile environment.

And the dangers in the Wild West are in fact very much: harsh winters, wild beasts, rampant bandits and fierce Indians. Yes, and the settlers themselves require the utmost care and attention: a hearty meal, clean water, warm housing and a minimum of work on their account. All in all, Depraved is the best city-building survival about the Wild West.

The post The best urban planning simulators appeared first on Broke-Little-Rob.
